Do you have any questions for the Earthquake damage organization (EDO) or would you like to learn more about the topic of earthquakes or find out more about registering as an expert? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
The Earthquake damage organization (EDO) originates from a public-private partnership project. The association is funded by the 26 cantons, the Principality of Liechtenstein, cantonal building insurers and private insurers. The EDO is supported by its partners: the Association of Cantonal Building Insurers (VKG), the Swiss Insurance Association (SVV), the Intergovernmental Conference on Issues relating to Military, Civil Protection and Fire Services (RK MZF), the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Swiss Seismological Service (SED), ETH Zurich, TCS, the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA) and other important bodies.
The Earthquake damage organization (EDO) has entered into service agreements with the 26 cantons, the Principality of Liechtenstein, cantonal building insurers and private insurers. These entities are therefore our clients.
The Intergovernmental Conference on Issues relating to Military, Civil Protection and Fire Services (RK MZF) represents the 26 cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The RK MZF comprises the cantonal councillors responsible for the areas of the military, civil protection and fire services. The RK MZF coordinates and handles all issues of public interest relating to cantonal military concerns, civil protection and fire services.
The Swiss Insurance Association (SVV) represents the interests of the private insurance sector. With its voluntary committees, the SVV effectively brings together industry expertise.
The Association of Cantonal Building Insurers strategically coordinates and represents the interests of building insurance organisations and their members.
With 1.6 million members, the TCS is Switzerland’s largest mobility club. It helps a member in need every 70 seconds and serves Switzerland by contributing to the common good. The TCS supports the SOE as a call centre and operations centre as well as by providing personnel for ensuring earthquake preparedness and managing operations in the event of an earthquake.
risktec develops digital strategies and products. With their services and products, they advance the risk and insurance industry. They have played a key role in the development of the TERMOT platform and are responsible for its further development and operation.
Bruno Spicher and his company Risk Agent GmbH advise companies and organisations on management and organisation issues as well as on matters relating to risk, insurance and project management. Bruno Spicher has been consulting for the EDO since it was founded and has helped develop the organisation as project manager and director.
The SOE is a member of the WFCP (World Forum of Catastrophe Programmes). The WFCP is a network that promotes the exchange of ideas and expertise between government and government-sponsored organisations for natural disasters. The WFCP provides a space for regular meetings to discuss common challenges and share best practices and solutions.
Are you a qualified civil engineer or architect, a construction planning technician specialised in architecture or a building construction manager? We are looking for building evaluation and damage assessment experts to support us in the event of an earthquake.