News and information relating to earthquakes

Are you interested in the topic of earthquakes in Switzerland or would you like to find out more about our mission and our association? The EDO will be pleased to share news and information with you. Stay up to date with us.

Titelbild zum Erklärvideo

16.09.2024 | SOE ODS

SOE experts and their role after an earthquake   

16 September 2024 – If you think that earthquakes in Switzerland pose no risk, then you are wrong: every person in Switzerland experiences at least one earthquake in their lifetime that causes serious damage to buildings. The EDO experts are needed to estimate this damage as quickly as possible.    The earthquake risk in Switzerland is considerable….

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15.05.2024 | SOE ODS

Simulations and new board elections

8 May 2024 – Experiencing an earthquake first-hand without any danger? The simulator at the Centre Pédagogique Prévention Séisme (CPPS) in Sion makes this possible. During our AGM in May, we had the opportunity to visit this fascinating institution. In Sion, we not only experienced the earthquake simulation but also discussed the continuing development of…

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Porträtfoto von Dr. Stephanie Eymann

25.03.2024 | SOE ODS

IInterview Dr Eymann, President of the SOE

“We know that it’s just a matter of time until another earthquake occurs. And we want to be prepared for it with the Earthquake damage organization (EDO).”

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24.01.2024 | SOE ODS

Erdbeben-Management: «Das nächste grosse Beben kommt bestimmt»

Wie gut ist die Schweiz auf Erdbeben vorbereitet? Dieser Frage gingen hochrangige Experten an einer Paneldiskussion der VGK nach.

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18.01.2024 | SOE ODS

Risque sismique à assurer

La Suisse se demande comment financer la reconstruction du bâti après un tremblement de terre

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16.01.2024 | SOE ODS

Erdbeben – wie gut ist die Schweiz vorbereitet?

Starke Erdbeben können jederzeit und überall in der Schweiz auftreten. Etwa alle 50 – 150 Jahre ist mit einem Beben mit einer Magnitude von etwa 6 zu rechnen. Erdbeben dieser Stärke können auch bei erdbebengerecht gebauten Gebäuden schwere Schäden verursachen. Wie gut die Schweiz darauf vorbereitet ist, wurde an der «Swissbau Focus» 2024 diskutiert.

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13.10.2023 | SOE ODS

The earthquake damage organization is ready for duty

The earthquake damage organization has completed the development of its IT platform and is now fully operational. Damage experts can use new mobile applications to quickly record all damage and event information following an earthquake, as well as estimate the costs for reconstruction. The organisation is thus playing a crucial role in facilitating a swift recovery for both society and the economy in the aftermath of an earthquake.

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07.03.2023 | SOE ODS

Earthquake risk model of Switzerland

As of 2023, Switzerland has the first national and publicly accessible earthquake risk model. The model was developed by the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich at the request of the federal government, in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), EPFL and other partners…

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01.09.2022 | SOE ODS

Digital platform closes the gap

The Schadenorganisation Erdbeben (SOE) association was founded in 2021 to ensure earthquake preparedness in Switzerland. The SOE found the right partners for developing the required IT infrastructure with SwissRe. After an earthquake hits, the platform provides all building and incident information to damage experts centrally by means of a mobile application.

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01.06.2021 | SOE ODS

Founding of the Earthquake damage organization (EDO)

The cantons, private insurance and cantonal building insurers are set to work together in the future. On 16 June 2021, they founded the Earthquake damage organization (EDO). This new organisation will play a key role in earthquake management.

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Support the EDO and register as an expert today

Are you a qualified civil engineer or architect, a construction planning technician specialised in architecture or a building construction manager? We are looking for building evaluation and damage assessment experts to support us in the event of an earthquake. You will receive training before being sent out into the field.

Become an SOE expert