Sim­u­la­tions and new board elec­tions: look­ing back on the third EDO gen­er­al meet­ing in Sion  

8 May 2024 – Experiencing an earthquake first-hand without any danger? The simulator at the Centre Pédagogique Prévention Séisme (CPPS) in Sion makes this possible. During our AGM in May, we had the opportunity to visit this fascinating institution. In Sion, we not only experienced the earthquake simulation but also discussed the continuing development of the Earthquake damage organization (EDO). The EDO acts on behalf of its clients and partners – without their support, the past three years would not have been possible.  

Bruno Spicher joins the EDO board 

During the third AGM, Bruno Spicher was elected to the board of directors. From the outset, Bruno Spicher and his company Risk Agent GmbH have provided the EDO with advice and support in setting up the organisation. We congratulate him and are pleased to welcome Bruno Spicher to the EDO board. 

Following the AGM, we visited the Centre Pédagogique Prévention Séisme (CPPS) in Sion. The CPPS is a centre of expertise dedicated to earthquake prevention and education. Using realistic simulations, visitors can experience earthquakes in a controlled environment. Find out more about earthquakes and their impact by visiting the CPPS.  

An overview of our partners  

The EDO originated from a public-private partnership project. As the name suggests, a public-private partnership involves a collaboration between the public sector and private sector. Both sides pursue a shared objective. In the case of the EDO, the objective is to keep the damage caused by earthquakes to a minimum. Each of our partners plays a key role and is an important part of the EDO: 

  • The Intergovernmental Conference on Issues relating to Military, Civil Protection and Fire Services (RK MZF) provides us with expertise in the immediate management of natural disasters.  
  • Thanks to the involvement of the Swiss Insurance Association (SVV), we can draw on the insurance sector’s industry expertise. 
  • The Association of Cantonal Building Insurers (VKG) helps us to take account of the interests of building insurance organisations.  
  • The TCS (Touring Club Suisse) supports the EDO as a call centre and operations centre, as well as by providing personnel for ensuring earthquake preparedness and supporting operations in the event of an earthquake.  
  • risktec AG is a co-developer of the TERMOT platform. It oversees TERMOT’s continued development and provides support.  

Find out more about the EDO’s partners.